Greeley Centennial Chapter
The Greeley Centennial Chapter was formed in 1976 as Colorado celebrated its One Hundred Years of statehood, hence the name"Greeley Centennial."
President: Genevieve LeBlanc
Vice-President: Mary Ellen LeBlanc
Secretary: Judith Jergensen
Treasurer: Pearl Tyndahl
Parliamentarian: Judith Jergensen
State Board Representatives: Judith Jergensen, Genevieve LeBlanc, vacant
1. Project 1- Restoration of marker and wrought iron fence at Ft. Lupton site
2. Project 2- Restoration of the stained glass windows at Highland Lake Church
​3. Project 3- Donation to the restoration of the original Fort Lupton

2024 Meeting Schedule
Meeting Location, KM Cup, 721 4th St d, Fort Lupton, CO 80621, unless otherwise noted
January - Noon
March - Noon
May - Noon
June -
August 3 - State Meeting - Four Mile House, Denver
September -
November -
Annual Mother-Daughter Tea every May. We all wear our favorite beautiful hat and enjoy a traditional tea.
March Meeting
Date: March 11, 2023
Time: 12:00 Noon
Place: KM Cup, 721 4th St, Unit D, Fort Lupton, CO 80621
Program: Cherokee Trail through Colorado