Southern Chapter
The Southern Chapter was started in the San Luis Valley in 1940 as the San Luis Valley Auxiliary of the Territorial Daughters. The Chapter now encompasses all of Southern Colorado.
All members trace their direct ancestry to pioneers that resided in Colorado before August 1, 1876.
Activities that this chapter participates in:
Placing markers at historic sights throughout Southern Colorado.
Preserving family histories of our members.
Publishing the family histories in our book series.
Providing scholarships to college women studying history. Project is undertaken with the all four Territorial Daughters chapters.
Presenting historic information to other groups.
Holding member meetings throughout the year.
President: Betsy Denney
Vice-President: Kathy Uhlan
Secretary: Tonya Sharp
Treasurer: Kathy West
Historian: Tamara Estes
Parliamentarian: Suellen Levy
State Board Representatives: Betsy Denney, Margaret Stiles Storm, Tamara Estes
1. Taos Trail - placing markers long the trail in Huerfano County, and developing a driving tour booklet of the trail
2. Doyle School - helping to preserve and protect the oldest school building in Colorado, the Doyle School
​3. Women's Suffrage - Working with other groups to promote the centennial celebration of Women's Suffrage.
4. TDC State Archives - Accessioning and scanning TDC State Archives
Bent's Old Fort, La Junta, CO
May Meeting
Date: May 18
Place: Westcliffe, CO
Program: Tour the Westcliffe and local cemeteries.
2024 Meeting Schedule
2024 Meetings will have the theme "Summer of Our Ancestors"
April 20 - No Meeting
May 18 - Tour Westcliffe and other local cemeteries.
June 15 -Rock Creek Cemetery in Monte Vista, Clean-up Day
July 20 - Drive "Highway of Legends" Meet in La Veta and drive to Trinidad
August 3 - STATE MEETING - Four Mile House in Denver
August 17 - Tour Upper Beaver Creek Cemetery in Fremont County
September 21 - Tour Trinidad sites to be determined
October 19 - Tentative - Picketwire Dinosaur Tracks, La Junta
Anyone needing transportation please contact us. We will attempt to find ride share options.

The Southern Chapter provides a quarterly electronic newsletter to all members that have provided an email address to receive it. A copy of the current newsletter can be viewed by clicking the button below.